He laughs. "Maybe. Who knows? Maybe there's somebody you fit with and they live in China and don't speak English and you're never gonna meet."
"I think my ability to fit with someone who doesn't share a language with me is probably pretty limited."
Trouble shrugs. "Yeah, so's your ability to fit with somebody you're never gonna talk to in the first place. If you had an Ethan who didn't speak English and he found you somehow anyway, he'd learn it."
"Well," she amends, "it would be flattering if it were based on some translated or non-linguistic facet of my personality. I wouldn't be meaningfully flattered if someone learned English because they thought I had pretty eyes."
"What do they even do together? If Ethan were picking up an instrument for Robin's sake I'd expect to see him over at ours more, playing with her and Andi."
"What do they talk about, though? And - I thought they were just friends? Is Ethan just the kind of person who acquires friends with whom he then incidentally makes out?"
"No. I just wanted to know how thorough the required silence is." She hefts her notebook a little. "I'll write about it, but it's all encoded, nobody but me can read this stuff."