Bella sits out, this year as every year, from gym class. It's just asking for a lawsuit. She does stretches and crunches and push-ups in the corner.
"Bella thinks you're either sleeping with him or implying to people that you are for some reason," Andi says.
"I sure implied it to her," says Trouble. "Not to most people, but if you're after him I figure you should know."
"Well, I like him, but I don't want him if he's going to keep hooking up with you, I'm not one of those people who thinks cheating doesn't count if it's with another dude," huffs Andi. "And Bella also said you don't think I can get him to like me."
"It is theoretically possible that there are some nice friendly human feelings in there somewhere," says Trouble. "But I've never seen 'em. Part of the reason he hangs out with me is 'cause he can get laid without pretending to care."
"We can go to England for a semester in college or something, find you a cute Brit there," says Bella.
"Sorry," he adds. "I mean, not that I'm personally responsible for Ethan being kind of a dick, or that I'd even change him if I could, but - sorry."
"Because I'm hopelessly in love," he laughs. "And we're pretty good for each other. Sexually if not emotionally."