"Oh, dull family reasons," Ethan dismisses. "It's all right. Can't complain."
"I don't think I'd like to move to another country," muses Andi. "Not forever, anyway, maybe a semester in college or something."
"It seems like it'd be a lot to get used to even if they spoke English. Is it true they don't have peanut butter, in other countries?"
"I'm sure there's some country somewhere that doesn't have peanut butter, but I've never personally been to one."
"So I have to distract you for another ten minutes," says Bella, glancing at the clock, "what's a good way to do that?"
"It is though! Reese's Pieces are the best candy. Unless it's Starbursts, those are also good."
"Does offering to make out with near-strangers usually get you very far?"
"Genuinely edible chocolate. Real Smarties, not little tubes of chalk. Maltesers. I can't explain maltesers, just trust me that if you had ever had the pleasure you would miss them too."