House. Wardrobe. Coats.
"I am sure." Jadis strokes Elizabeth's hair, and presently they are at the lamp-post. "Here you are. Hurry back."
Then she zips it up and keeps going.
Almost an hour passed in Narnia; barely two minutes in the house.
Okay. Time to go visit Bella, who alone out of all the kids in town might actually be able to handle this. Elizabeth gets on her bike.
"Hi," says Elizabeth. She gets off her bike. She glances around for other observers and sees none. She plops herself in front of Bella and opens her backpack.
"At this point I'm pretty sure the only remaining explanation is magic," she says. "Do you want the whole story?"
She takes a breath.
"Then he burst into tears and admitted he was being paid by the Witch to keep an eye out for any humans he might see and lull them to sleep and then turn them in. I told him it was fine and I wasn't going to tell anybody, and got him calmed down, and he took me back to where he'd met me and I found my way back to the Narnia end of the wardrobe and went out. When I stuck my arm back in the wardrobe, there was no forest, just the back of the wardrobe behind all the coats. And it hadn't been hardly five minutes, even though I'd spent hours and hours talking to the faun. So I wasn't sure what to think about the whole thing, and I decided to leave it alone for a while until I could figure out a good way to verify what was going on. That was the day you came over to play cards - I wanted to meet your dad partly so I could get the story of the disappeared kid out of him, because now I had an alternate explanation for where the kid had gone."
Another breath.
"Which brings us to today. I went back in with a backpack and a watch—" She shows Bella the clockwork one and the digital one. "This one I took with me, this one I left behind. When I came out, it had been a minute or two on the one and almost an hour on the other. So that part's the same - time goes by faster in Narnia, you get a lot there for only a little bit here."
"Yeah, I'm getting to that part. First I went and sat under a tree for a while to get a time comparison - and while I was there, this really tall scary-looking woman pulled up on a sled to ask me who I was and what I was doing there, and if I was human or not. With the heavy implication that she wasn't. And when I said yes, she smiled the creepiest smile of all time and invited me to come sit with her on her sled and have a hot drink. Which I didn't want to do, but I didn't like my chances if I tried to run away, so I went with it. And she asked me a bunch more questions - and the first time I tried to lie to her after the drink she gave me, when she asked if I'd seen anyone else there, instead of 'no' I ended up saying 'a faun'."
"No kidding. I got through the rest of the conversation without giving away anything else I didn't mean to, but it was hard. I don't even know if I still have the spell on - I could try lying to you or something, but I don't know the parameters, it could only prevent lying to her or only if I really mean to deceive somebody or only work in Narnia or something like that. Anyway, the next part's even creepier - she asked me if I had any human friends my age, and when I said I knew some other kids, she said I should make up some reason to get them all to follow me into the wardrobe and lead them all to her castle without telling them anything about her first, and when we got there she'd throw a big party and make me a princess and all my friends dukes and duchesses."
"I know, right? So obviously that's the last thing in the world I'm going to do - but combining that with something Tumnus said, about the White Witch ruling until the thrones at Cair Paravel are filled - I think human children are a threat to her somehow. And I would really like to be a threat to her. I would like that a lot."
"Of course not. But - I feel responsible for Tumnus. He was going on about all the horrible things that would happen to him if the Queen found out he'd had me and let me go, and I got the sense he was the type to catastrophize but I'm not sure he was exaggerating that much. Whatever's going to happen to him has probably already happened by now, but I still want to go back and see if I can do something about the eternal winter and the creepy witch queen. And out of all the human children I know, you're the only one that I really think could handle going with me."
"I guess we probably want to - pack some things and leave notes for Charlie and Chris, though."
"Yeah. When I was just going in for a test, I told Chris where I was going and left a note outside the wardrobe, but this is going to take a little more planning."