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Version: 1
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The Badger
a lich's radical political opinions

One of the first pamphlets to come out, and plainly entirely a vanity publication, is the publication calling itself "The Badger" The badger has a commissioned etching for its heading (of a zombie dire badger, clearly from life), and plainly some significant money has been put into it, by its founder, as well as some wizardry. It is then such a pity that the content is what it is.

Version: 2
Fields Changed Subject, authors locked
[Open] The Badger
a lich's radical political opinions

One of the first pamphlets to come out, and plainly entirely a vanity publication, is the publication calling itself "The Badger" The badger has a commissioned etching for its heading (of a zombie dire badger, clearly from life), and plainly some significant money has been put into it, by its founder, as well as some wizardry. It is then such a pity that the content is what it is.

Version: 3
Fields Changed Subject
[OPEN] The Badger
a lich's radical political opinions

One of the first pamphlets to come out, and plainly entirely a vanity publication, is the publication calling itself "The Badger" The badger has a commissioned etching for its heading (of a zombie dire badger, clearly from life), and plainly some significant money has been put into it, by its founder, as well as some wizardry. It is then such a pity that the content is what it is.

Version: 4
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[OPEN] The Badger
a lich's radical political opinions

One of the first pamphlets to come out, and entirely a vanity publication, is the publication calling itself "The Badger" The badger has a commissioned etching for its heading (of a zombie dire badger, clearly from life), and plainly some significant money has been put into it- the paper is excellent- by its founder, as well as some wizardry. It is then such a pity that the content is what it is. 

Version: 5
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[OPEN] The Badger
a lich's radical political opinions

One of the first pamphlets to come out, and entirely a vanity publication, is the publication calling itself "The Badger" The badger has a commissioned etching for its heading (of a zombie dire badger, clearly from life), and plainly some significant money has been put into it- the paper quality is high- by its founder, as well as some wizardry. It is then such a pity that the content is what it is. 

Version: 6
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[OPEN] The Badger
a lich's radical political opinions

One of the first pamphlets to come out, and entirely a vanity publication, is the publication calling itself "The Badger".

The Badger has a commissioned etching for its heading (of a zombie dire badger, clearly from life), and plainly some significant money has been put into it- the paper quality is high, as well as some wizardry. 

It is then such a pity that the content is what it is. 

Version: 7
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[OPEN] The Badger
a lich's radical political opinions

One of the first pamphlets to come out, and entirely a vanity publication, calls itself "The Badger".

The Badger has a commissioned etching for its heading (of a zombie dire badger, clearly from life), and plainly some significant money and wizardry has been put into it- the paper quality is high.

It is then such a pity that the content is what it is.