It may be possible to derive information about the way in which this is interesting from his tone.
It may be possible to derive information about the way in which this is interesting from his tone.
"...Ah. Politics," shrugs Cymbeline. He hasn't actually taught her this word yet. He's not sure how to sum it up.
He taught her the word in reference to things like favorite foods, so he doesn't think he's overstating the case to say, "Yes."
Cymbeline chuckles and shakes his head. She's astonishingly expressive with her one bookful of signs, but he's not going to start talking about working something out between Loegria and a kingdom of merfolk until he's had a conversation with her at least relatively unimpeded by vocabulary.
Speaking of which.
"Why did you want legs?"
Speaking of which.
"Why did you want legs?"
"And charmed. I was asleep," (he has not covered the fine points of "unconsciousness") "and I still heard you."
"I wanted a particular horse -" He sketches a horse - "once, but the man who had it wanted too much gold for it, so I didn't buy it. - Buying is trading gold for a thing instead of trading a thing for a thing."
"I guess they would be hard to find," agrees Cymbeline. "But your voice? You couldn't give the magician something else?"