Stormy sleeps the night in her hammock - it drizzles on her a little in the night, but she's dried out again by morning without having woken at all. She gets up and changes into fresh clothes and looks expectantly for breakfast. Today she's supposed to meditate and she doesn't really expect to like it but she supposes she ought to try with an open mind.
Rahi comes downstairs and sits very quietly at the table without saying anything to anyone. She looks tired.
"So have some pancakes," says Mercy, delivering Rahi a plate with some pancakes accompanied by delicious gloop.
"You want some pancakes too?" asks Mercy. "Here you go." He offers Stormy the second plate.
Mercy continues producing them as the rest of the house wakes up and files in. He never actually sits down himself; by the time Niva has a plate in front of her, he has had his fill of pancakes and gloop snuck in between supplying everyone else.