After Mathilde has left (and Stormy has her schedule for the next few days all written down), Stormy goes aprowl through the house again to make sure she's clear on the layout and see if anybody else wants to talk to her while she is still novel.
Stormy considers this. "You must have much better ears than me if you can really do that," she says.
"I don't know if it's magic. I don't know if it is even my ears. I think part of it is that I pay attention differently," she says. "And remember the details just so."
"I mean I don't know if it is that I hear things better," she says. "Or if I hear things the same but notice them differently."
"Oh. I guess that you could check by having somebody make a noise the same way at a bunch of different distances and see if you could still tell when they were doing it from farther away than somebody else?"
"That might work," she says. "It would need to be somewhere that was very quiet otherwise."
"And it still might look the same whether I am hearing better or paying better attention. Oh, he's gone inside now."
"I guess I pay attention to a lot of different things when I'm up being the sky," muses Stormy. "But that's different."
"Well, for one thing I stop paying attention to my body. And it's like I am the sky while I'm doing it so it's more like noticing I'm - hungry and tired at the same time, than like listening to two different sounds, because it's all happening in the sky I'm being."
Mercy has ceased his spinning, although he still has the wheel in front of him. It appears he is out of fluff.