After Mathilde has left (and Stormy has her schedule for the next few days all written down), Stormy goes aprowl through the house again to make sure she's clear on the layout and see if anybody else wants to talk to her while she is still novel.
"I guess that would be kind of necessary. Can people help you with it or would that just be like the thing with the notes?"
"It would mostly just be like the thing with the notes. Sometimes it helps, though. Mercy doesn't remember details as well as I do but sometimes he understands things I don't. Niva is very unobservant and absent-minded but she remembers things well enough when prompted."
This seems to be the end of a thread of conversation.
"Do you know when Niva will be back?"
"She didn't say, and I don't know enough to guess. If it isn't before dinner, I will go get her, because sometimes she gets excited and forgets about food, and sometimes she is so excited that she distracts other people from remembering for her."
"Usually about something she is trying to make, often with magic. Sometimes about other things she is learning or doing."
"Around sundown. It varies, because Mercy doesn't stick to exact schedules very well. But we always make sure to collect everyone unless we know they are eating somewhere else."
"He brought in fresh basil today and he has not used it yet, so I predict it will feature," she adds.
"Where does he get groceries? Does he just get things from the Hub or are there separate shopping trips?"
"I think I want a list of the things that are in the garden," decides Stormy. "I don't know what it will be for but I would like it. Are they labeled or do I have to ask?"
Rahi seems nice but talking to her is kind of hard.
If Stormy listens very, very closely, she might hear a faint sound that could conceivably be plants rustling.
"I can hear leaves maybe? But it could just be the wind, or somebody else besides Rook," she says.
"That is the sound of Rook being in the garden. If he was not there, it would sound a little different."