(About which she has some mixed feelings about enjoying, in her current state of general invalidity, but it is net positive.)
But it's still a very nice voice. And he can go on reading to her with it pretty much until she gets bored or needs sleep.
(No one gets on their case about visiting hours.)
Lalita contemplates going somewhere, but eventually decides that no, he's slept in worse places than a hospital chair and given the option he would rather stay.
She sleeps for a longer time than usual - getting shot takes a lot out of a person - but then wakes up.
Lalita is still there! She may be able to tell 'still' from 'again' by the fact that he is napping in his chair.
Hmmm, she decides not to wake him up to entertain her right away. She looks around at the room, yawning.
It's a room. There's not much to it; bed, chairs, assorted medical equipment, a couple of cabinets. Sleeping husband.
Hmm. Sleeping husband within reach? If she only moves her arm at the elbow and not the shoulder?
"Oh, I'm not going to object, especially if you nip out and get me non-hospital food now and then."
"I am actually hungry," she observes archly. "But I also don't want to let go of your hand. What a dilemma."
"I'll go find you something to eat."
Food! And while he's at it, news of the shooter, if he can find any.
Current news is that the young lady with the phaser was an off-duty Starfleet enlistee on shore leave who felt the need to defend her organization's policies, and that she has been scheduled for court martial and claims to have acted alone.
Lalita reports this to Isabella when he returns with her non-hospital-sourced breakfast.