He puts away his knife and his little half-carved pendant of a coiled-up ferretsnake and—tries to get up. It's less successful than he was expecting. He tries again. Maybe his clothes got caught on the bench; he twists around to check.
That smile hits him like a bucket of ice water to the face. Instant chills. Before he consciously catches up with the situation he's already trying to reach for his bag, but now his body just plain won't move, and he finally clues in. Bloodbender. Actual real live bloodbender. Oh, fuck.
Dao finds himself taking it, finds himself picking up his bag with his free hand, standing gracefully, following the stranger away from the bench. It's not like in the movies; he doesn't jerk around stiffly like someone who is obviously being bloodbent. He's only clumsy when he struggles. He manages to stumble and fall, trying his hardest to resist the imposed movements.
The stranger just catches him, 'helps' steady him again, and keeps leading him away from the park bench.
At least, that's what he hopes his reasons are. The same part of his mind that has inappropriate reactions to thinking about ripping people's bones out is having an inappropriate reaction to the sensation of being subtly, insidiously, helplessly puppeted by his own blood.
Okay. Crap. What does he say.
"...Want some more animal trivia?"
Great. Yes. Awkwardly semi-flirt with the bloodbender. That'll help.
Dao tries to come up with some more animal trivia, and of course his mind immediately goes blank. He struggles with himself for a moment, then blurts out, "Why are you kidnapping me?"
"Not as dangerous as most people think," Dao feels compelled to point out. "They have a bad reputation but even the scary ones are mostly pretty harmless."
"I'll bet it matters a lot to the spiders who keep getting squashed because somebody was scared of them who shouldn't have been," says Dao.
He sits there feeling awkward for a few more seconds and then says, "Could you, like, not kidnap me?"
"Oh, of course, I never thought of that, I'll let you go right away," the bloodbender says dryly.
"To answer your question more seriously: you've seen my face, talked to me. I don't think letting you go at this point would be conducive to my continued freedom."