He does glance at her hand. Several times.
Beila decides about halfway to the nearest theater to just hold his hand herself.
Here is the movie theater! "What's your genre?" Beila asks. "I'll watch most anything as long as it's decently written and doesn't have Neko Li in it." She scans the listings on the wall critically.
"He gets typecast and I hate the type. Strong stupid hero accomplishes victories against villains who are much smarter than him by hitting them with sticks. I want my good guys to win for good reasons."
Dao laughs. "Okay, no Neko Li. Uh, I dunno, I guess horror's my favourite but - whatever, I'll watch pretty much anything too."
"Horror, horror... you wanna watch Return of the Bloodbender? I haven't seen the original but it never matters with this kinda movie."
It's quite horrifying. Everyone who gets bloodbent spends the entire process looking like they're in quite a lot of pain and twisting in bizarre puppety ways as they do the bender's bidding. Beila jumps in her seat when startling things happen, but doesn't seem too fazed by anything else.
He fidgets, though, shifting in his seat when gruesome things are happening.
"You itchy or something? Mosquitoticks been at you?" Beila asks when the movie ends and the lights come up.
"I don't think it's listening. The part of your face that can hear is not the part that is blushing."