"Pretty good. Played with ice. Talked to the nun who's supervising me about spirit stuff. She taught Avatar Meixing airbending."
"It's all right, but she wants me to spend a lot of time meditating, like, a lot, like I'd have to drop out of school, which maybe I should do anyway."
He seems to have some difficulty admitting this.
"...well, if you wanted, we could still hang out sometimes. I'd have some free time, just not enough to do school."
"Um... it was kind of uncomfortable," he says. "But, you know. You stopped."
"I do try to be nice. I'm not perfect. I'm only human. That and an ancient reincarnated spirit-person."
Beila pays fairly minimal attention in class; she's about half checked out already.
And school ends, and Beila's idly reshaping her ice in its bottle: now it's a cube, now it's a sphere, now it's a triangle, now it's a lopsided star. "I think I'll stick out the term," she yawns. "It's only a few more weeks, and that'll put me at a better stopping place."
"I feel like going and buying some juice and seeing if I can turn it into a tasty slush," she says, "want to come?"
They walk; Beila's clothes (she does wear a traditional airbender outfit, if only because otherwise she'd have to pick something) ripple with the occasional steadying breeze. She gets herself some apple juice and concentrates on it, moving her free hand in a wavy waterbender form. She freezes about half of it solid and leaves the rest liquid. "Well, that didn't work," she remarks.