"Right, but if she's recorded and she can talk sense at all shouldn't she have been able to learn English?"
"Hmmm." She produces her notebook and scribbles a note-to-self about portraiture. "What's a Pensieve?"
"I will. How do you store and examine memories with it?" asks Bella. "Does it only work on your own? I wonder if mine even come out."
"I guess they didn't. This is something people can do to you? There just keep being more horrible things."
Maria corrects her course; the Pensieve is up a different set of stairs, spiraling up the middle of a round stone tower near the kitchen. After two landings, on the floor below the top of the spiral, there is a door leading to a little workroom with a green chalkboard taking up most of one wall and a set of cabinets taking up most of the opposite one. Between those two and opposite the door, the curved outer wall of the tower supports a surprisingly large window with a nice view of the grounds.
Maria opens up one of the lower cabinets and pulls out a flat rolling tray just exactly the right size to support the grey stone basin on top of it. Silvery liquid swirls inside, under a gentle silver mist.
Maria opens up one of the lower cabinets and pulls out a flat rolling tray just exactly the right size to support the grey stone basin on top of it. Silvery liquid swirls inside, under a gentle silver mist.
Bella crosses her arms carefully behinds her back and peers into the silver stuff. "It's pretty," she says.
"It is," she agrees. "See the little streaks? Pick one and watch it for a while."
There are indeed small blots of a slightly brighter silver chasing each other through the silver fluid, moving with the endless soothing swirls. Watch one for long enough, and it starts to take on colours - chalkboard green, in most cases. Watch it a little longer, and the colour spreads across the surface until the Pensieve is showing a snippet of memory.
There are indeed small blots of a slightly brighter silver chasing each other through the silver fluid, moving with the endless soothing swirls. Watch one for long enough, and it starts to take on colours - chalkboard green, in most cases. Watch it a little longer, and the colour spreads across the surface until the Pensieve is showing a snippet of memory.