They do a lot of flying in it.
Then, slowly, she frowns.
"That," she says, suddenly, pointing at herself as she turns around midair. "I didn't do that."
She is starting to scrunch in uncomfortably towards herself.
"No?" says Tony. "They do - that." She waves illustratively at the photo album. "What's wrong?"
"How does it do that? It's not something I did but it's the sort of thing I'd do, how does it know what I'd do?"
"But the mad scientists found that magic that looks into people's heads doesn't work on me, so is this doing something else, or...?"
"It's not looking into your head," says Tony, "it's just - I don't know, actually, I never thought about it."
"Mrs. Stark? How does it work?" asks Bella, looking at the photos with deepest suspicion. When it turns out that Mrs. Stark has left the room she hops up and goes looking for her.
"If they could read minds, they would guess a lot more accurately," she says. "Now, portraits, portraits are a different story. A magical painting with the right infusions can preserve a more or less accurate copy of someone's personality, and they can talk and remember things. I don't know how it's done, but I don't think Legilimency is involved. There might be some of the same magic that goes into Pensieves... do you want me to look that up, too?"