"Yes, and you still age during that time, so it won't make you live longer, but if you really needed something done in an objective hurry it'd be handy. It might be possible to do just about the same thing with, like, rapidity potions or something."
"Temporary self-duplication might have some practical applications, for that matter."
"You're not supposed to interact with yourself while you're time-turned. I'm not sure why. It says you'd be confused, but if you don't time-turn to before you got the time turner I'm not sure how that could reasonably happen."
"Perhaps because one of you would already remember the interaction."
"There's that, yes. Maybe you could choreograph the whole thing ahead of time."
"It did say in the book I read about this in that it doesn't cause a paradox if you interact - things always happen the same way the second time you go through a period of time."
"It would be so easy to change small details without affecting the ultimate outcome."
"Yes, but how? Are the laws of magical physics enforced through mind control?"
"It was just a two-page spread on a book about various magical artifacts," says Bella, "I don't know. If I had to guess I'd say it'd work by extremely insistent coincidence." Pause. "Which, I wonder if you could harness that. I should probably also never time-travel except in direst emergency."
Bella scoops up enough objects to entertain her during her exclusion from the room and scurries off.