"Nah, he just gets like that," says Tony. "It's not anybody's fault. He'll cheer up eventually, it helps if you're nice and don't bug him when he's not feeling talky."
"I usually just hug him and tell him I love him and then leave him alone," Tony says cheerfully. "Your mileage may vary."
Sherlock makes no appearance at all, but lights out for the sixth graders isn't until ten and Bella wants to go to bed earlier than that, so she assumes he's off somewhere doing something and she goes to sleep.
Bella gets dressed and packs for morning classes and goes to breakfast. Who's at breakfast?
Okay! He probably can't help her with explaining her roommate but he is fine to sit with. She sits there. "Hi," she says.
"I'm okay, but something's up with Sherlock, I haven't seen him outside of class since the evening before classes started and he's been unfriendly all of a sudden in classes. How're you?"
"Tony says he just gets like that sometimes, but that doesn't tell me what exactly 'like that' is."
"And uncommunicative, like, I wouldn't be dwelling on it if I never saw him outside class but he still talked to me in class."