Tony sets herself up beside Bella.
"I wonder what he's doing there then. I guess I'll ask him." Bella squints at the handwriting on the blackboard and takes out her potion kit's little box of newt eyes, and checks that the magical flame under her tiny cauldron works and then turns it off. "What did Sherlock want to ask the teacher?"
He doesn't appear to hear her; he's setting up his cauldron with excessively particular focus.
She decides she'll let him ignore her until they are both back in their room this afternoon and then she will ask if she did something to upset him.
But he does them with that same overcareful attentiveness, as though the relatively simple task is immensely complex or dangerous.
Bella mixes her moisturizing unguent with care because she wants to get it right, but Sherlock is really overdoing it, isn't he?
While the students mix, the teacher comments on the properties of the individual ingredients and what each of them is doing to the moisturizer, and Bella takes notes during the simmering stages of the potion when she doesn't have to add anything or stir or anything but keep time and mind the color.
At the end of the lesson, when everyone's potion has been inspected and graded (Bella's is "approximately perfect", but so are most people's, unless they forgot ingredients) the teacher passes around a bunch of vials of optional scents, and jars for them to scoop their unguents into, and Bella makes hers vanilla-cinnamon and jars it and dabs some on her nose and puts it away in her bag.
The teacher uses the last few minutes of classtime to advertise Potions Club. Bella is not particularly interested; there are sure to be other clubs, plus an entire library she hasn't gotten a look at yet.
Tony dithers over her optional scent past the official end of class; she's still in her seat when Sherlock leaves the room.
"I was thinking of doing lemon and raspberry," offers Bella, "if you can't decide and want a suggestion. I have social studies last, what about you?"
Bella decides to prioritize reading ahead in this book more than the others, because what she learns is fascinating and also surprising and also the sort of thing that could be extremely practically important. She has been thrown into a very different culture.
She's going to go to check out the library next, but first she stops at her and Sherlock's room, to drop off her things.
Maybe Sherlock will be at dinner.
"Yeah, we had Magical Defense together, then I went back to my room and he went somewhere."
"It wasn't our room," says Bella. "Or he's a lot faster than me and didn't leave a trace. Did I offend him or something? He was much friendlier yesterday."