"Well, good luck." Bella switches wands, vine to hazel, and tries again. The hazel wand is apparently better suited here, and she gets her feather to go several feet into the air and hold still for four seconds before it falls, and then she wafts it upwards another foot, and the teacher comes by and pastes a gold star into her notebook without asking, which puts an expression of extremely mixed feelings on her face.
Bella wafts her feather up a bit harder and peels at the sticker; it threatens to tear the page and she smooths it back down. "I don't like people doing things to my notebooks without me saying it's okay." She's only practicing now, not notetaking; she closes the notebook and gives her feather another waft before it touches down and ends the spell.
Bella wafts her feather till she's sure she can do it every time, then she lets it settle, levitates it again, and wafts it some more. After a few repetitions of this she begins to attempt to move it sideways, and has considerably less luck.
By this time, Tony has managed to get her feather off the table, but not keep it there.
"Are... you going to try levitating your bit of paper?" (Waft, waft, c'mon, feather, go horizontally - did it, just an inch? She's not sure - waft, waft.)
Well, okay then. Bella concentrates on her own feather. She can get it to spin around. It seems maybe easier to get it to go in a direction when the quill is facing in that direction.
"I have brooms next," she says, just by way of conversation. She can ask Sherlock why he was so spacey later; he is after all her roommate. "But potions after that, I'll see you guys then?" This last is directed at the twins.
It turns out that she is not clumsy on a broomstick. She's not a prodigy, either - the title of best in class belongs to this one boy - but she's not clumsy. And once the teacher has been satisfied that they all know how to hold on, they are allowed supervised flight with an altitude limit of forty feet and a speed limit enforced by the school broomsticks themselves, and oh, she can fly, she can fly.
Bella does not actually skip to Potions, but she looks like she would if she'd stay upright in the process, and she's beaming.
"Awesome, right?" says Tony, when they encounter each other on the way. Sherlock is not currently in evidence.
"Oh, he stayed to ask the teacher a question. Did you know Feral's in our Transfigurations class? He's really good, but the teacher barely cared."
"I didn't know that. If he's good why's he in with sixth graders?" Bella asks. There are instructions up on the Potions chalkboard about initial setup; she starts fetching the things she needs.