Bella is good at hugs. This one goes on for a bit, and then she lets him go. "So, I took the bottom bunk, and I don't have a lot of things but I'm not all that neat with them, do you care?"
Bella giggles. "What kind of magic? Is it like - is your little bag like the school bus, bigger on the inside?"
Bella reads very quietly. And takes notes very quietly. She doesn't want to disturb him.
At the sensible hour of nine thirty p.m., Bella turns out the light, closes her book and her notebook, and changes into her pajamas and slips into the bottom bunk for the night.
Bella changes into her school clothes and consults her schedule and packs up her morning textbooks and materials, and she's off to breakfast. Is there anybody she recognizes around?
Awesome! Bella collects her breakfast and goes and sits with Tony. "Hi. How's Miss Burberry to live with, are you doing okay?"
"We pretty much ignore each other. Working out fine so far. How's Sherry? Have you seen him?"
"He was gone when I woke up. Morning person, I guess," Bella says. "He did go to bed before I did."