Jann is minding his own business. He is playing by himself in the courtyard with a wooden sword: this definitely constitutes minding his own business. Nothing that follows is his fault.
"Why, should I?"
"Because it seems," he goes on, "like you might know more than I do about Milo's opinions here."
Jann is beginning to feel grilled. He contemplates fleeing the room. He doesn't flee the room.
Okay this isn't working new idea.
"Okay, look, you're a bright fellow, you know one of two things is happening, either I guessed something on my own or I was told, and either way, I'm talking to you and Milo's not. Can you leave it there?"
"But it is that you guessed or were told something, and not that you're just... amusing yourself by making suggestions."
Reko contemplates him quietly for a moment.
Then he says, "If part of the reason you're so unhappy is because you think you're going to have to go back to him with a negative answer... well."
Reko is much better at hiding it, but he's not actually all that much less uncomfortable than Jann.
"Because - if he knew about this little quest of yours - you can tell him that I've been in love with him for the last several months. If he didn't know, I'd really rather you didn't try to tell him anything at all."
"I talked him into permitting my quest and I regret doing so because it was excruciating but hey! Good results!"
"It wasn't all that much fun from this end either," says Reko. "On the other hand, I'm completely able to imagine both of us independently deciding to quietly pine for the rest of our lives, so..."
"Yes, that was more or less my thinking, do you object if I now bolt from the room to tell him the delightful news?"
"Hello Milo," says Jann, interrupting, "never let me talk you into anything again, but, good news, he's in love with you, go kiss him or something."
"He's in love with you! Congratulations! I am sufficiently grilled to require a side of greens, but he's in love with you!"