Jann is minding his own business. He is playing by himself in the courtyard with a wooden sword: this definitely constitutes minding his own business. Nothing that follows is his fault.
They're about evenly matched, but Glynn wins three of the five games that they play with Milo as an interested spectator.
"Glynn gets more practice, of the two of you," Milo suggests as an explanation for this discrepancy. "You should play more, Reko."
"I'm not sure how closely your sense of fun resembles mine, in light of that story I heard about you intentionally turning yourself into a rabbit."
It's a few months' worth of chess-by-mail later when Jann observes:
"Given any thought to the thing about the crown?"
"I mean, if you're thoroughly over it and I've been imagining the way you make eyes at his letters..."
"I can't figure him out as well as I can you but I have no strong reason to believe he'd laugh off the idea, you know."
"Girls who want to date dukes are a little more common than boys who want to do the same thing, if you haven't noticed, it's a better sign than if he acted like me."
"On the other hand, if he acted like you it would be evidence that he was interested in dating anyone at all." He sighs. "I don't know."
"Oh, hello, Cath. We were just discussing my hopeless crush on Duke Reko."
"You didn't know about that? I guess it hasn't come up. Well, I have a hopeless crush on Duke Reko. Jann thinks I've got a shot. Opinions?"
Cath considers this, then meows a few more times. Milo laughs.
"Well, it's good to know I'll have your support if I marry him, but I was wondering more if you thought he might like me back."
Meow, meow.
"He does play chess with me, that's true. And always responds very promptly. But so does Glynn, and I'm pretty sure Glynn doesn't like me that way."
She meows a conceding sort of meow and hops up into his lap to be petted.