Jann is minding his own business. He is playing by himself in the courtyard with a wooden sword: this definitely constitutes minding his own business. Nothing that follows is his fault.
And blinks at Milo.
And sloooowly tilts his head.
Milo glances at him, looks briefly puzzled, then even more briefly alarmed, then goes right back to the game as if nothing happened.
Jann doesn't say anything. He watches for a fairly typical amount of time and then wanders off.
Milo continues to pretend Jann never looked at him funny.
Eventually Jann and Milo are alone in a room and Jann says, "So that'd probably fix the crown, huh?"
"So I should feel free to write Reko about this hilarious totally false hallucination I had, ha-ha?"
"I don't actually think Reko likes boys, for one thing. And he's five years older than me and has known me literally all of my life, for another thing. And even if he does like boys I have no indication he has ever considered liking me. And - and it would fix the crown - I can't - if I just went and asked him, he'd be in kind of an unfair position, all things considered!"
"Do you think he'd marry you just to fix the crown if he didn't like you? For one thing even if he felt very wedged about it he could point out that you can't produce heirs. For another it doesn't seem very like him."
"I know, but... I don't want to make him turn me down. Given everything. And if he did marry me just to fix the crown that would be - just - ugh."
"...maybe. I don't know. Not - I mean - I'm fifteen, I don't currently want to marry anyone."
"Sure, not right this minute, but at some point. Since it would probably fix the crown nobody would have to have any inklings of anything else to bring it up, if you wanted somebody to bring it up."
Jann's knighthood, combined with his general social position, means that he is a default escort when anyone in the Raxwell ducal family wants to go anywhere, such as when Milo is invited to Chirailia of Otashire's wedding (she has been rescued by a prince and they are in the way of things getting married).
It grates on him a little bit that he needs a knightly escort, but it's hardly Jann's fault. And it sure beats being carried off again by who knows what sort of creature this time.
The wedding is beautiful. Chirailia and her husband seem pleased with each other. The food is also very good. Milo congratulates the happy couple, eats delicious food, and wanders off with a slice of the incredible cake. By the time he reaches the library, the cake is gone. He admires some books and then goes looking for Jann, on the off chance that Jann has not yet found any girls to kiss.
Unbeknownst to Milo, he acquires a small grey passenger during this time. She blends in almost perfectly with his fine grey trousers; one would have to be looking from just the right angle to spot the little fuzzy lump behind his ankle.
When Milo finds Jann, Jann peers down at him and says, "You've got an addendum on your leg, there."
He twists to look. The kitten climbs around his pant leg and out of view. He twists around the other way and glimpses the tip of her tail before she whisks it out of sight.
"Hello," he says. "What's this all about?"
Tiny meow.
"I can't understand you, I'm afraid, not being a witch. Puts me at a bit of a disadvantage here."
Tiny meow.
"If we're going to have a conversation and I can't understand anything you say, it might be more convenient if you weren't clinging to the back of my leg at the time so I could at least try interpreting body language."
The kitten considers this line of reasoning, and then climbs daintily around to perch on his boot. Milo peers down at her. "Hello there. I'm Milo. And you're a kitten."
This meow has sort of a mildly sarcastic tone.
"Well, if I knew your name, I'd happily use it. Do you have one? Is there someone I could ask to find it out?"
She darts around to hide behind his foot again.
"...You don't want me talking about you to anyone?" he hazards.
She emerges into view again.
"All right then, I won't."
"I don't think I'd have much luck trying to guess your name, I'm afraid. I'm not even sure what gender of kitten you are. Did you have a particular purpose in attaching yourself to me?"
She hops off his boot and walks a short distance away and turns back and climbs on again and looks up at him expectantly.
"You... want me to take you somewhere?"
This meow sounds affirmative, as meows go.
"I'm going to take that as a yes. Is this place you want me to take you any more specific than 'away'?"
"I'm going to take that as a no. Is anyone going to be very angry with me if I let you stow away with us when we leave?"
Silence again.
"I'm going to take that as another no. In that case, you're welcome to join us."
She meows and rubs her small fluffy cheek against his leg. He smiles.