Jann is minding his own business. He is playing by himself in the courtyard with a wooden sword: this definitely constitutes minding his own business. Nothing that follows is his fault.
"Ugh. Fine," says Milo. "He got confused and thought I was a princess and tried to carry me off. I set him straight, he came back and put me down and apologized."
"I was not hanging out with princesses. Why would I introduce you to princesses? You'll just start kissing them and then probably want to tell me all about it."
"They're all... princessy. But anyway I know you don't care so tell me about the giant instead, I'm sure you'd prefer it."
"Well, he was really embarrassed about his mistake, so he listened to me when I suggested he look into alternative career paths. And Dad said he wouldn't mind pardoning him for the one attempted pillaging, since he did seem to be very sorry about it, and they talked it out, and now Porabor lives in the southern ruins and we send for him whenever somebody needs something really big and heavy moved."
"That's useful, then. But how did he even make that mistake? You don't look like a girl. You're little, but that probably won't make you look like a girl even from far away until you're at least my age, maybe older."
"Well, I'm glad I didn't have to be hauled home from school to rescue you from a giant. I'm not even especially good at giants."
"You can if a giant carries you off, apparently. Giants can talk. What if it was a manticore?"
"I'm good at manticores, though. I mean, in theory. I haven't tried fighting a real manticore yet."
Jann pats him on the shoulder. "So what've you been up to besides getting mistaken for a princess and not kissing any girls, huh?"
"Oh, you know. Breaking exciting new combinations of bones. Learning statecraft from my parents. Visiting Reko with Mom."
"I hear if you break your shoulder and all of the opposite toes and both elbows you win a stuffed unicorn."