Jann is minding his own business. He is playing by himself in the courtyard with a wooden sword: this definitely constitutes minding his own business. Nothing that follows is his fault.
"Hi. I'm a Duke now," he sighs.
"I saw," says Milo. "It didn't fix the crown."
"There was no reason it would've."
"I don't think I understand how that's meant to work anyway. The crown," says Jann, sitting down too.
"The bad decisions were kind of funny," opines Milo.
"I think they were less funny to the people involved," says Reko.
"And if it doesn't work my bones stay messed up forever."
"That too."
"Well, they've tried magic, then, I assume? Somebody magic has tried it. Or they tried magic glue."
"She also said that just trying to stick it back together with a spell wouldn't do anything good. I think magic glue falls into that category," says Reko.
"Yes, which is why it was so much stranger than the time you turned you into a rabbit, that one not being an accident."
"You can't tell anybody!" says Milo. "I wasn't supposed to. But Jann was so fluffy and he didn't get to pet himself while he was fluffy, so I snuck into the treasure room again and touched the rabbit carpet and snuck out and let him pet me while I was fluffy. I was even fluffier than him."
"I see," says Reko. "And nobody knows about this?"
"Except us and now you."
"It's Reko, he's not going to tell anybody. ...Unless being a duke makes you officially a grownup all of a sudden."
"Good," says Milo firmly.
The funeral proceeds funereally.
The Raxwell contingent goes home.
Jann develops a crush on the stable groom's daughter, who is four years older than him and thinks this is cute and gives him enough tidbits of attention that it's a long time in winding down. When it does wind down he promptly develops a crush on a village milkmaid, who doesn't think it's quite so cute; when he has wrested his attention away from her it is pretty clear that "Jann is fascinated by damsels" is going to be an ongoing theme.
"Well, they're - you know, damsels! I'm going to be a knight and you're already a prince, we are supposed to be interested in damsels. And rescue them from things and then kiss them, it's like a rule."
"I should see if Alirra wants to play chess or something," says Jann dreamily, Alirra being the name of a baron's daughter who is Jann's current object of affection, about the same age, and willing to indulge him some of the time.