Angela has worked out a ceremony that will satisfy the involved parties, a reworking of standard Samarian traditions with some revised wording and adjustments for the fact that the groom inhabits two bodies. This ceremony, unlike the elven one, doesn't involve any jewelry.
And then Sarion and her beloved are married. Again.
Since Sarion doesn't mind Wellspring magic being used in her world, Aether is experimenting with boosting subtle arts telekinesis with Wellspring telekinesis. They don't work together all that well, at least not yet.
[...Well, I don't really have any good ideas either, but you could come hug me and I could - be accustomed to the fact that you go around naked?]
She hugs him back. "I'm sorry people have been freaking out about you. I mean, I did it too, but at least I understood what 'I'm a nymph' meant."
Aether pets his hair. "The Bells all know, I explained - I guess they didn't propagate it to their people too thoroughly."
Pet, pet. "I guess people who don't have nymphs pretty much just - react like you're a naked human."
"You've probably thought of all the standard cartoonish not-technically-clothes solutions like wearing a barrel and rejected them, I imagine."
"Also if someone hugged you while you had on illusion clothes they might be unpleasantly surprised."
(Aether, for her part, sees no particular reason to have her nymph boyfriend censored.)
"People are reacting to you like you're a human. Telling a nymph you want to see him naked means almost less than nothing. Telling a human that you want to see him naked is something else again. I don't think the censor bar is gonna be a good long-term solution."
Scritch scritch. "Okay. I was figuring between the sign that's apparently up on Joker-occupied orgy chambers and what were apparently unwarranted assumptions that you wouldn't mind if people were sneaking peeks without wanting to advertise it."