Claire talks to Tom
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"How long can you talk anyways? Is this a one time thing? I assume you would have told me if there was a tight time limit or you had somehow made a friend who has already hacked the game."


"Four days. The announcement for the players said we had four days to talk to people in the outside world and then things close down. It also said there's no guarantees we get another opportunity before we get out."


"Well that sucks, it's better than nothing, or even a one time phone call. But four days both isn't a lot in the grand scheme of things and it also implies things about how long they expect you to be in there for. I wonder why they don't want you talking to people outside after that. What secrets are they trying to keep?"


"I don't really know. It's something I bet a lot of people are wondering about."


"I guess the connected question is who they're trying to keep secrets from. Are they trying to keep secrets from you, secrets from us or both? I guess we don't really have a way to find out. Do you have short term plans? I'm guessing long term is pretty up in the air."


"I'm keeping to my term project at least for now. I'm taking notes on everything while I can. If I can figure out a way to do it I'll send you my notes before the window closes. Maybe you or someone else will be able to get something out of them. I'm also planning to send my notes so far to my professor. I don't know what he'll do with them but it probably won't hurt anything."


"That's such a you thing to do. I'll do my best with what you give me. I don't really know what that'll mean but maybe I'll figure something out or find the right person to pass them on to. Just, make sure it doesn't get in the way of making connections. It sounds like you'll need them more than academic detachment."


"I know, I already made that choice. It's easier for me than detachment would be anyways in most situations. It's grounding to have something to focus on though. Taking notes has been that. I don't think I was quite up to trying to help people deal with things while I was mentally flailing myself."


"And nobody would expect you to be. Make sure you don't go too far into putting others needs above your own. Don't go the carer burnout route okay?"


Sapphire smiled. "I promise."


"Good, those people in there are lucky to have you."


"Thanks. I'm feeling hungry so I'm going to see about making breakfast. I'll talk to you some more later. There's even an option for video calls I just didn't want to ambush you first thing in the morning."


"Yeah, breakfast is probably a good idea. We should absolutely do a video call later. I love you Sapphire. Stay safe."


"I love you too. Take care of yourself out there. It doesn't help me any if you skip meals or don't sleep."


"I'll do my best."


"That's all anyone can ever ask for. Goodbye Tom."


"Talk to you later."


Sapphire ended the call. A little of the anxiety that had been scared away by talking to Tom filtered back in.


In some ways a few inches away and in others a whole world away. Tom looked at his sister. He squeezed her hand even though he knew she couldn't feel it, and then kissed the back of it since the headset covered the places he'd usually kiss. "Please come back to me."

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