"They look it! I haven't grabbed any though, Aurora says Angela says it's like grabbing their butts."
"That kinda thing cannot be usual with dragons and their dragon-havers," says Lexi, "I mean mostly they go around dragon-shaped, right?"
"Mostly they do," he agrees, "and mostly Bonded are not - like that. But my Bonded are very much like that."
He shrugs. "We were busy talking about other things. Or not talking."
"My template likes to have a drink and sit quietly sometimes. I don't know what you're thinking." (Yes he does.)
"I have," giggles Lexi, while she calms down, "no idea what I'd do if I met a one of me who was a boy. It'd have to be a boy one for me to even wonder. An Alexander I guess."
"I haven't done anything worth giggling about with mine. It's not out of the question, but none of us jumped at the chance."
"Okay. I wonder if the purples are all the bisexual ones or something."
"Except no, one of the Bells is bi, right, so that can't be quite it."
"Cam. The boy one. Apparently Glass says the being a boy and the being bi don't have a lot to do with each other but we haven't found any bi girl ones yet. Two lesbians, though."
"Cam is also one of the ones who sleeps around. It's him and Amariah."