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Aianon has made a plant in the open airless space above the surface of Thilanushinyel. It is a very, very large plant - some dragons will be attending the party, after all, even if Ansharil in particular is going to be assorted small things and stay on Sarion's person the bulk of the time.

The locals will be Sarion, her beloveds, their other beloved, the five conjured dragons (and their Bondmates, where applicable: Virgivere and Lissa), and Liselen - Magania has, as usual, declined, and so far no Bell party has featured Bell parents.

Amariah is bringing her boyfriend and spontaneous daughter and two of the spontaneous daughter's friends, as well as an Alethian instance of the Rupert template.

Shell Bell is bringing Pearl and Screwdriver.

Golden is bringing her usual large contingent, as usual not including her husband but including her daughter and daughter's grown fosterling (the other remaining at home) and his wolf, both mothers-in-law and one father-in-law, adopted siblings, staff members including the Joker and Nathan, and the children of the aforementioned.

Glass is bringing both wives, all three daughters, Kanim, and her cat. She invited Icarin and Valeria, but their parents are not willing to let them gallivant into other worlds unsupervised and had a scheduling conflict.

Stella's bringing a smattering of people including Alice, Anna, Sandy, Libby, Bridget, her college roommate Janine, and Lazarus.

Tab is bringing Aelise (but not Kers) and Luhan.

Etty is bringing only Nona.

Aether, likewise, brings no one but Celo.

Pattern comes with Ripper, Slipstick, Queenie, and Ghosty.

Aegis is accompanied by her four-bodied boyfriend, Merryweather, Whitlock, and Howlett.

Aurora comes with Brilliance, Lexi with her Device Persica, Agent Honey with her Device Adularia, and Beth.

Rose brings her husband and three children and her former apprentice, Luc.

Angela brings her husband, her four children, several of her friends, and some of those friends' children and grandchildren with and without wings. Keziah also brings a friend.

Juliet shows up with Soph, Minus, Red, Giles, James, Virginia, Minnie, Ike, and Val.

Cam brings Jellybean and Tilly and stops there.

And from unBelled worlds hail additional Sherlocks and Tonies, Darcy, Matilda, Pepper, and Eights.
Total: 62
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Celo is back at the buffet table, trying one of every dessert. He's also still female, partly because he hasn't had any good reasons to change back and partly on the theory that maybe this way fewer people will question him about his lack of pants.

No such luck.

"You are wearing zero clothes, did you know that?"

"Nooooo," says the nymph, rolling his eyes. "I had no idea."


"Hey, could've been someone pranked you, how would I know?"


"Okay, yeah, sure," he says, "it's just you are not exactly the first person who's noticed and I get less happy about explaining every time."


"Put it on your nametag?" she suggests.


"Technically if somebody could prank me they could prank my nametag too," he points out. "I mean, not easily, I enchanted it myself, but they could."


"It could say to... check with... some third party? I don't know, that gets kind of involved."


"Mm. Well, it still might cut down on it a little." He concentrates briefly; his illusory nametag extends itself to add the line Yes, I know I'm naked at the bottom.


"Would I also be the millionth person to ask why you're naked? Did you lose a bet?"


He snorts. "No. I am naked on purpose. Because I'm a nymph, and nymphs do that."


"Huh. I guess that's not really weirder than Bella having demonic minions who need her to bless grape soda so they can have babies."


"...I'd actually say being naked because I'm a nymph is less weird than that," says Celo. "And I'm pretty sure your demons are not like my demons."


"Well, Sunshine has lots of kinds of demons," says Soph. "And then there's Aianon who is the kind from this world. What are yours like?"


"Usually up to no good," he snorts. "Vulnerable to divine energy. They can possess people or take physical shape on the mortal plane, and they need to feed on really specific things - I remember hearing about one who had to eat the hearts of virgins, which sounds pretty messy."


"I would not be surprised to find a kind like that in a Sunshine demonology book, but that's not the only sort."


"Because lots of kinds," he says. "Yeah. You know, I kind of wish we'd find another world with nymphs in it."


"They probably wouldn't be much like you. Humans seem to be about the same everywhere, but nothing else."


"I mean I'd like it if we found another world with specifically my kind of nymphs," he says, "mostly so there would be at least some people at these things whose first words to me would not be any variation on the theme of 'Hi! You're naked!'."


"Don't hold your breath. I mean, there's a unicorn and some dragons who don't wear clothes? Maybe they wouldn't mention it?"


He snorts. "Yeah, but they could still tell I'm the only naked humanoid walking around up here."


"They might not think it's worth mentioning? I don't know, I haven't tried going up to the unicorn while naked."


Celo grins. "If you do, lemme know how it goes!"


"Not part of my plans for the day."


"Didn't think so," he giggles.

Total: 62
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