Kiri in Arda
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Like who? ...Is it not considered rude around here to call people ugly?


People, sure, but not Dwarves. Someone sends a mental image of Dwarves. They are short and bearded. 


...are they not people? They look peopley. Short, bearded, and peopley.


Oh, maybe translation issue? They're people in the sense of talking and stuff, but they're not like us so it's not rude to call them ugly. They actually didn't know they were people, for a while, and hunted them for sport! Dwarves don't have osanwe so it was an easy mistake to make. 



Kiri will be standing a little bit closer to her brother now.


They reach the throne room. It's very very large and very very beautiful. 


And the King and Queen wave them forward. Hello, Kiri, says the Queen. We have heard a great deal about you. 


Hello. Thank you for inviting us here.


Thank you for shepherding our sundered kin safely across the Ice. Eru sent you at an opportune moment. 

Permalink're welcome. Not, "we were eaten by a fucking snake monster" or "so does Eru usually fuck with foreign politics to make people's hikes smoother", look how diplomatic.


I am given to understand that you have extraordinary capabilities you are considering using in the war, and that among your purposes in coming here was to learn whether that might be possible. 


I am what is called a 'sweela prime'; at any given time five people from my country have powers associated with one of five element-pairs and my pair is fire and mind. People from my country can also do a sort of low-fidelity divination; when I tried it on this question it suggested that I may be able to use my powers if I do something creative with them but possibly not by default.


That is interesting. Have you had any ideas on what creative use might look like, then?


I'm not sure. Combining with local magic in some way is a possibility.


All right. Have you checked whether your magic affects non-Incarnates?


The only one I've encountered is Huan; I can detect his temperature and when he passed within my mental powers' range I could read him.


Encouraging. We are indestructible; with that in mind are there other tests you'd want to try?


I haven't investigated my maximum or minimum temperature - either for my passive resistance or my ability to affect it outside myself - so if you're genuinely indestructible that's more than I can say for bits of landscape I don't want to accidentally turn into volcanoes. I have active mental powers, which I have historically been very timid about using but did deploy without error both when someone desperate enough to ask for them came along and in the case of orcs; I did not make any errors but would more than understand not wanting to experiment with that.


If I'm in a physical form intended for the purpose it would be - not indestructible but not harmful to me if destroyed and not harmful to anything else. We were present for the making of the world and that got both very hot and very cold.  Mental powers I am not comfortable experimenting with. I need my abilities to keep my people safe. 


Of course, agrees Kiri. Knowing how safely hot and cold I can go would still be very valuable information.


We should go outside for that. What are your aims if you can harm the Enemy?


As long as I can't go home yet - where I am not only needed but uniquely so as long as I live, or I'd consider letting it fall to a successor - I'm all for harming the Enemy.


How, though? You do not seem to possess unique - strength, or durability...


I don't. Except against extremity of temperature. So it'd probably be complicated.

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