Kiri in Arda
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They're all connected to each other, so it's really very straightforward, probably everyone could do it were they so inclined. 


And at last they reach the gates of Menegroth and are permitted to remove blindfolds. 


So Kiri steps out of range of Maitimo. Thank you, she tells him.


My pleasure. What does my head look like, I was desperately curious. 


Oh! I didn't know if you would want to talk about - She bounces it back. It's almost like being near several people at once when you're thinking about them, it's amazing, most people genuinely cannot do that.


Hmm, really? And as I imagine you caught, I didn't, particularly, my mind would be on you if we were conversing and that might be uncomfortable and you were likelier to say something - I promise I have no dire secrets, just personal ones - that brought something unwanted to mind. 


Yes really. I don't mind when people think about me, by and large, although the only people who let me read them tend to be neutral to positive on the subject so there's that. I have no desire to acquire your secrets just because I can't walk well enough to traverse a forest blindfolded.


I mean, if I knew more about you and had leave of relevant parties I'd tell them to you because you have the correct goals and values and can only be better at them with more information. But I am making this assessment with great certainty for having known you so briefly and you're from another world so perhaps I should be less sure of myself.


I am very fond of my goals and values but do not know how you would know enough about them to consider them definitively correct at this time.


Well, I am very good at people.


But yes. Not yet. 


No need for it to be ever, you're good at thinking about what you mean to be thinking about and should not often find yourself needing to haul me around.


I would hope not! We need to forge you a ring of grace or something; perhaps we can ask Menegroth for one. 


That would be great!


I am assuming they have forges. I don't know if they have forges. 


I suppose if they don't have forges they don't necessarily have people who can tell me what to heat how much either.


And we have that but would still need the right metals and surfaces to work them on and it'd take weeks anyway, enchantment's slow. 


See, by now when I hear an Elf tell me something's slow I expect it to require at least a couple of years.


I suppose we deserve that. No, a talented person can do a minor enchantment for a ring in the space of four or five weeks. Well, by the old count of time. 


I would really like such a ring but I understand if the prerequisites are not readily come by.


I shall work on it! Things I work on usually happen, but here I'm rather working on too many. Do try to get along with these folks, that'll simplify my other ones.


Menegroth is stunning. It's lit, for one thing: a vague silvery light that seems to shine sourcelessly from the whole place. The stonework is astonishing. It feels like wandering through a forest despite being underground. 


They get curious stares. The corridors widen and get more elaborate.


Why are people staring at them. Were they not expected. C'mon guys.


They are the first humans in the world! No one knew what humans would be like. They're not ugly like Dwarves, that's good.

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