[It seems that perhaps we should speak,] Isibel says to Lycaelon. She wishes him a cup of tea, wherever he is, hovering in the air waiting for him to take it. [Though I confess I do not know where to begin.]
[I've been thinking exactly the same thing for a while now,] he says, accepting his tea and conjuring her one in return.
She takes her tea and sips it. [As probably the most obvious matter - you are welcome to Bond with my beloved if you still wish to do so. I had a moment of uncertainty but it has been resolved to my satisfaction.]
[Yes. Although once we had thought of Ansharil becoming an elf long enough to complete the prerequisite, it most likely would have happened anyway.]
[Oh. Yes, I see,] he says. [Well, whatever else happens, I'd wager you'll remain their only wife.]
[So, yes, that has been settled, but perhaps you have other questions you did not have time to get to before you were shooed from my tree.]
[...I think I might want to finally get my enchanter's aura,] he says. [I've had flickers, but nothing like Liselen's. And I don't know if it would help like yours does, but it can't hurt to find out, right?]
[It will not hurt you. Unless you develop your aura without a channel, and then only in the literal sense. The quickest way is to travel to my alt Glass's world and pour power into her forest.]
[It depends on the channel - how much channeling they can tolerate, and one of the Jokers has an amplification ability that speeds it up considerably.]
[Jane, this is Lycaelon. Lycaelon, Jane. He needs a channel for developing aura, and then he will need a ride to Chronicle.]
[Hi, Lycaelon! Polling Jokers now.] She polls Jokers. [Do you know where my Janepoint is?]