[Hey!] Soph says, one Sunday morning when it is beastly hot - especially for a January - to her sister, her boyfriend, and her, uh, Sherlock. [It is water park weather, how does that sound to you guys? And then, like, Italian food, I am thinking fond pesto thoughts, are you guys with me on fond pesto thoughts?]
[I think I would like to go on waterslides. Do we know a good place to teleport in at a water park or are we driving?]
[Good, 'cause, if you didn't want to drive, we'd have to expect that the sun was about to turn into bees and the water in the water park was all going to spontaneously boil off, since, apocalypse, and then Bella couldn't come since she'd be running around fixing the apocalypse.]
[But in fact he wants to drive, so I can come. I'll meet you wherever you are in a minute.]
[Yeah, that's a messy cleanup job, there.] She appears where Tony is a moment after Soph does.
They are in a Jarvis's garage; one of Tony's cars is right there. And, unusually for one of Tony's cars, it has enough seats for all of them.
The water park is watery and parky! There is a lot of descending significant distances rapidly without any of the controlled sensation of hexed flight. Soph looks very fetching in her white-and-pink bathing suit with her hair all bedraggled, and she whoops unrestrainedly when the various water park rides fling her about. And has to cough up water once or twice.
Sherlock is extremely fetching, not even slightly pink, and hardly whoopy at all. But he does giggle quite a bit.
Tony is moderately fetching, pink in the face if not in the shorts, and whoops with the best of them.
Both of the Swans present think their respective boyfriends are the fetchingest and their amounts of whooping the most correct. It is a good arrangement.
After they have all been on everything, and the best things twice and the very best things three times, Bella says, "Italian food, yes?"