A new cleric of Irori looks for advice from one of Erecura's
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"Well that's good general advice.  Perhaps I am being too optimistic, not everyone will manage to find someone like yourself to take advice from." 

So he doesn't expect most people will actually buy into the trap, or isn't trying to sell it to many other people in the first place.  The simplest strategy of letting some others speak first will thus be inadequate to verify the trap isn't a trap, as it would take too long to verify and thus tempt the inpatient into speaking too soon.  In the now less likely event it isn't a trap, she will have to sacrifice some initiative in order to play it safe. 

"Well, with that matter discussed, I have just one remaining set of questions.  Hopefully they aren't too revealing of my own secrets.  You are a wizard as well as a cleric, and well read on all sorts of variations on types of spellcaster, yes?"


"Reasonably so, though there are too many types to know them all."


"I've given a read of some of the more basic texts, but nothing seems to match.  I have some unusual variant of cleric magic.  I can strengthen myself for a round, as is often described as a feature of the Strength Domain.  And I can strengthen my cure light wounds spell, as is often described as a feature of the Healing Domain.  But I don't think I'm getting a spell slot specifically for Domain spells.  Additionally, I can't seem to channel energy in a full radius.  But I can spontaneously cast inflict light wounds several times without even using spell slots for it!  I am not formally trained of course, but a textbook for newer Asmodean clerics I read through didn't seem to suggest any practice or skill I was missing on my end, so I've been assuming Irori saw fit to give me a nonstandard empowerment.  Any identification or clue you might have would be helpful, especially if it means I can guess what abilities I might develop as I grow stronger."


"I'm not directly familiar, I don't think. I've heard of empowered priests who could not channel, and non-priests who can, but not with enough examples to form patterns. At a guess, Irori chose to empower you in a way that relies less on spells and more on the physical gifts and training you'd already begun with; it seems characteristic. But that's only a guess. As long as your spells genuinely need the holy symbol, you are a genuine empowered priest of Irori, and the rest you can work out with training and experience."


"Fair enough.  I had intended to do continue training and improving either way.  And I have confirmed my spells depend on my symbol of Irori, yes."  It's still good to have confirmation she isn't some other kind of weird non-priest caster and thus risk her convention spot (and stipend).

"And so one last question."  Wow how to say this in a way that doesn't offend him... "You've managed to maintain the ability to channel positive energy by staying Lawful Neutral, correct?  I've checked my own aura, it is a strong aura of law and a weaker aura of evil... I had considered, if maintaining Lawful Neutral doesn't require sacrificing too much effectiveness, it would be quite nice to be able have spontaneous cures instead of inflicts.  Would you have any advice on the matter?"

It's an open ended framing, but the Watcher seems quite adept at cutting to the core of issues.  Hopefully that same insight doesn't let him see insult in her question.


"It's hard. I had to go out of my way to do Good regularly to keep it up, and I'm less inclined toward Evil than most people in Cheliax, I think. I think it's been a bit easier this last year since the war, but not that much so, other than being able to legally free my slaves. You want to avoid hurting others except when very much necessary, and to do favors for others without any expectation of them being returned. Healing the poor is reliable, or giving to charity; donating to nurseries was the best I found nearby. I expect your habits from serving Eiseth will make it a slow process; they are probably Evil in ways you wouldn't think to consider."


She had already expected not being able to train her students properly would be hard enough.  But 'Evil in ways you wouldn't think to consider' is additionally challenging how will she even know to alter her behavior!  Still, healing the "poor is reliable" is actually promising, she can afford to waste expend a healing spell every few days if it eventually means she'll get a lot more healing to work with.  'no expectation of them being returned' is hard, but she's already thought of something she has to spare and indeed expects nothing back for.

"Difficult, but understandably so.  Thank you for all your advice Watcher.  You can-" and she realizes, with her lightly mysterious opening, she actually forgot to introduce herself.  "You can ask for Eisethia at the Crematorium Monastery (I'm going to begin identifying it more openly as a Monastery).  Whether you think of a priority at the convention you would like an ally on or perhaps a case where physical 'self-defense' might be needful and Lawful or some other small favor I seem suited for."


"I appreciate it. Wisdom and good fortune to you."


"Your services are thought provoking.  I might send a student or two from time to time to them.  I'll see you at the convention."

And with that she turns to leave.

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