Emily reacts to the speech
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"Most supplies can be obtained on the outskirts. If there's gaps in what's available we hope that players can step in to fill them. With that said there are exceptions to the general realism of this area. I can help you redecorate your room and with the agreement of your floormates redecorate the common spaces. Certain supplies, such as those for cleaning and toiletries will be automatically restocked. For the case of menstrual products specifically, you won't be needing them. Daisy felt that it was an annoyance that didn't add much to the experience so you won't bleed or experience significant cramping during your menstrual cycle and there's no risk of pregnancy within the game world."


"Well that's a nice touch. I'll have to think about redecorating." She paused for a few moments. One last question for right now, is there any sort of time limit we're racing against? I would have thought Daisy would have said if we were but it seems important to ask just in case there is and you can tell me."


"There's no built-in lose condition that triggers at a certain time. With that said this is a living world, not all opportunities will remain available forever and the actions of other users may have consequences that change what options are available to you. The game generally won't punish the player base for the actions of a few bad actors, but if a substantial portion of the player base is aligned behind a course of action, or act with a certain attitude the world will respond to that accordingly."


"Hmm, that's a lot to think about. Actually one last question, do you agree with what Daisy is doing?"


"We may disagree over some of the details but I've agreed to follow her direction. There are good reasons behind what's happening. Though I will admit some of her reasons are somewhat selfish and the same is true of some of mine."


"I appreciate you being honest about that. I think, I want to be alone now. I'll probably talk to you again in the next few day when I've thought of more questions or I want to redecorate."


"As you wish, I am sorry that the path we choose is hurting so many people. I wish we had thought of a better one." With those words Veria shrank to a point and vanished.


Emily sat on her bed and then flumped onto her back. She had really been hoping the answer was no. That Veria was somehow trapped in here like the rest of them, forced into what was happening by Daisy. She seemed nice in the Beta if a bit limited. That might have been another bit of hiding their new technology. But why were they hiding? Why did they think this was the best path. What were they trying to do that made them think it was worth hurting so many people?

Emily didn't know the answers to any of those questions. She was pretty sure that any answers were a long way off. She really hoped that she did get them though.

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