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Since the Ascendancy of House Thrune and Hell's rise to dominance over Cheliax, The Sisterhood of Eiseth (The Eryines Queen, Hell's Valkyrie, She Who Defies Limitations) has, surprisingly, not flourished.  A naïve observer might expect that, as a power of Hell, Eiseth would find a place for her worship and veneration.  As it turns out, a monastic order that operates as (illegal) assassins, refuses to show humility, and avenges all slights has had trouble finding its place in the legal and social order of Cheliax which demands an orderly submission to the Asmodean hierarchy.  But Eisethia is mostly unaware of these details.  Trained within a monastery of the Sisterhood since childhood she has little awareness of the broader circumstances.  She has a vague sense of some better, more elite past, as implied by some of the lectures and sermons, but obscured by repeated assurances of the Sisterhood's devotion to House Thrune, Cheliax, and Asmodeus.  She has a vague sense she is not a part of the mortal customs and limitations of Cheliax but she is certain of her own Lawfulness.  For instance, if you pointed out to her that simply killing a beggar for assassination practice is in fact Unlawful, she would be confused by that statement.  She obeyed her superior's orders (who in turn are devoted to House Thrune and Cheliax) and she carried out her kill with the utmost discipline and precision, her actions were the height of Lawfulness!  If questioned about the quality of her target, she would feel vaguely embarrassed at not meriting a better assignment, and she would completely miss the implied aspersion against the Sisterhood, unless they were made explicit, in which case she would escalate to violence.

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After the Four-Day War, the older, fully initiated Sisters abandoned the monastery, a few from desertion at first, and then by some agreement of the upper ranks, the rest fled all at once, taking the more portable valuables and leaving no instructions to the lesser acolytes.  Of these lesser acolytes, Eisethia and the other two surviving members of her cohort (two others had died in training, one of them to Eisethia's own hand) were the oldest.  With no instructions, no funding, and no particularly valuable skills besides monastic combat and assassination, the other two decided decided to leave to make their way as adventurers.  But for Eisethia, abandoning the monastery would feel like giving up on something.  Eiseth teaches her devotees to claim their desires, but Eisethia feels little desire other than to continue to perfect the discipline in herself and her fellow acolytes.

Still she needs some way to sustain the monastery.  There is an obvious route, her clerics had abandoned this monastery, but perhaps Eiseth had not?  Eisethia spends 3 full days in prayer, asking for Eiseth's support in continuing as a monastery devoted to her cause.  Towards the middle of the third day, it occurs to Eisethia to work herself into a rage.  Eiseth approves of rage and hatred directed at those that have slighted you or offered insult, so Eisethia lets herself feel anger at every possible source of insult.  The Archmages that tore down Egorian, the force of Good that were seizing control of Cheliax... and then she rages at the clerics and monks that had abandoned her and the other acolytes.  At first she frames this rage as anger at their offense towards Eiseth... but then the anger turns towards the offense against herself.  She is proud of herself, her instructors occasionally complement her focus and discipline, but often note she lacks the proper rage behind it.  But then, her rage working in full, it occurs to her to that her real source of anger is Eiseth.  Eiseth had failed to have her clerics pass on any instructions to her acolytes.  Eiseth, who even now withheld the power that would enable her to maintain this monastery.  Eiseth, who failed to offer any hint of guidance or direction to her.  By the end, she is crying, something she hasn't done since her earliest days at the monastery.

The next morning, she has a new plan, find a God that wants a monastery and get them to make her a cleric.  As a cleric, she would have the resources to sustain the temple.  Plenty of Gods ought to want her monastery (as the oldest acolyte left, she was already thinking of it as hers), it is a good location in Westcrown with eager disciplined students.  And by now it was clear that the old Asmodean order would be completely driven from Cheliax, leaving the way open for other Gods that wished to claim influence.  She needed a God close enough to her to make her cleric.  With that set of constraints with what little non-Hellish religious knowledge she had, she knew Irori was the clear choice.  At first, she tried an hour of simple prayer directed at a crudely carved hand, but got no response.  Next, she set out to find a holy book of Irori or at least some information to better focus her prayers.  After over a week of searching (and spending the trickle of legitimate income as a crematorium that the monastery got), she managed to acquire: a book of the Order of the Godclaw summarizing their five deities (which includes Irori) and common prayers and practices relating to them, a comparative theology book describing all the ways the major deities of the inner sea fall short of Asmodeus, and her crowning achievement (acquired with the threat of violence against a now depowered Asmodean cleric who apparently used his status to allow himself to obtain read proscribed text) the Unbinding of Fetters, apparently the actual holy text of Irori.


After spending a few days developing a clearer idea of Irori  (and a better attempt at a holy symbol), she tries again.  She holds the vision of a place students could work to achieve self perfection.  Instead of trying to inflate up her pride, she instead tries to hold herself humble against a mental image of what she could do and be if she truly achieved self perfection.  Instead of trying to stoke her emotions then shackling them to her will, she instead lets them drift to serenity.  "Irori, master-of-masters, if you would support my mission to cultivate perfection in myself and others, empower me that I may have the resources to continue on this path."  And she feels something reach out, weighing her, finding her wanting yet striving to improve, and then blessing her.

Eisethia acts immediately, without bothering with subterfuge.  She calls the other acolytes together and announces: "Eiseth has abandoned us, this is a monastery of Irori now, those of you that find that acceptable and wish to continue to train can stay, everyone else can leave."  Eisethia knows that she can crush any other individual Sister in combat, and in the absence of any fully initiated Sister, there is no leader other than her to organize them.  Several of the next oldest cohort of acolytes leave but everyone else remains.  Perhaps this shouldn't be surprising, many of them are still children and lack anywhere else to go. 

Over the next few weeks, Eisethia gets to work.  An unusual spell (perhaps unique to Irori?) allows her to make handfuls of grain substantially more nourishing, allowing the soups they were stretching thin to be filling.  Together with the usage of purify food and drink and a policy of purchasing rotting food, the financial situation of the monastery begins to stabilize, with the trickle of income from the crematorium serving as enough to cover for food for everyone, if not other desirables.  She strips away all the old holy symbols and iconography of Eiseth, replacing what she could with simply (crudely if she's being honest) holy symbols of Irori.  She doesn't have the extra spells to have the healing to resume properly intense training sessions, but she still trains herself and her fellow students as best she can... It occurs to her, as a cleric of a Lawful Neutral God, she could try to become Lawful Neutral herself to get more healing?  Except she isn't sure she could actually train at a proper intensity without being Evil?  And, oddly enough, she can't actually properly channel negative energy, only touches similar to inflict light wounds?  A question to research... she had obtained a few other books in the course of acquiring the Unbinding of Fetters, from the former cleric. 

As important and immediate as the pragmatic concerns were, her real interest was in working through the Unbinding of Fetters.  Some of it was practical: meditation techniques, physical exercises, and dietary regimes.  Of the practical instruction, some was familiar, some was new and promising.  But a large portion of the text was obscure sayings, layered metaphors, and outright riddles.  It was a challenging book and not what she had expected.  Well, if she had considered the question in advance, she might have considered that a challenging book might have been appropriate for a challenging God.  She was used to physical pain and deprivation, she would just have to learn to overcome mental challenges as well.


Over half a year later, when she learns about the Constitutional Convention she feels angry at herself.  She should have already written to the government and come to some understanding!  Prior to the Four Day War, when she was just an acolyte, what little she did overhear suggested a constant need to appease and accommodate the appropriate governmental figures.  Although the Sisterhood had served Cheliax, Asmodeus, and House Thrune, it seemed to have many detractors that questioned its methods.  With a new government and a new God, the Sisterhood would be starting this process of appeasement from scratch, and Eisethia had literally almost no clue how to do so.  Well, there was one way to start.  She writes a letter, fully and honestly explaining her status as a cleric of Irori and new head of a monastery formerly of Eiseth (her understanding of subterfuge is limited to back alley assassinations, not government communiqué).  She receives a letter back, asking if she has sworn any Oaths to Hellish powers.  Fortunately, the answer is no, as an acolyte she simply obeyed her superiors, she hasn't sworn the oaths fully initiated Sisters had.  She indicates this in her next letter, and so she receives a letter inviting her to attend as a delegate for the faith of Irori.  It has instructions on obtaining her stipend (and she is very glad to see those), along with some suggestions on housing within Westcrown (and that gives her an idea on another income source).

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