Here is Aurum. Harley is home again.
"I minted you," Elspeth murmurs to him, sending a notice to the Joker that he's got a new alt he could choose to entertain because she's busy and teleporting herself and her ward to their living room in Québec. "And stuck it on."
"I minted you," Elspeth murmurs to him, sending a notice to the Joker that he's got a new alt he could choose to entertain because she's busy and teleporting herself and her ward to their living room in Québec. "And stuck it on."
"You were in the sun for five years in Gift. Here it's been only a few more months since you dreamed here," says Elspeth, petting his hair.
"You can talk to Sue, when you're ready. He knows how to move like that controllably and it's possible he could teach you."
"You can talk to Sue, when you're ready. He knows how to move like that controllably and it's possible he could teach you."
She conjures up a little two-sided fountain for the poof. She doesn't know when it last drank or how often it needs to. She sets it aside. She hugs Harley.
She conjures up a little two-sided fountain for the poof. She doesn't know when it last drank or how often it needs to. She sets it aside. She hugs Harley.