Eventually they get back to Theo's place, and Tyler walks in through the door, and then he proceeds to stand at the edge of the room.
It seems like he's doing this a lot right now.
He sighs.
"Well no, since we could just say it in English, but if it ends up weaker, we have information that either Latin or foreign languages in general are weaker, and if it ends up stronger, it might be useful."
So she grabs her phone and looks up how to say that in Latin and then says it.
Doesn't work. "Oh, well."
"What about French? I don't know how to say 'do my bidding', but 'do what I want' might work – le vent, fais ce que je veux!"
"… Maybe it only works in languages that you know?" He frowns, then tries, "Wind, machen was ich will!"
"Okay, that's all very fun and good, but then what's the pattern? What does this have to do with the cards, how do we generalise from that?"
"Languages that you know, presumably, this thing at least? So we might as well just do stuff in English, at least for now."
"Okay. What other kinds of things can we do that are not destructive? Hmm... Earth, I call upon you, give me a rose!" And a rose appears in her hand.
"… I'm kinda curious how far this can go, because I wouldn't have expected it to be as easy as this to do these sorts of things, I mean, I thought cards were needed for– most stronger things?"
She looks around. "Is there a place where we can, like, experiment with magic without destroying anything?"
"D'you fancy yelling at the top of your lungs and calling the elements in public like that? And then succeeding at it?"
"I mean, it's not like there were many people there last time we went? We were messing with the Change, I think you tested out the Fly?"
"Sure but none of those things call particular attention if no one's looking, whereas the yelling would."
He shrugs. "Other than spending a day to go find a random field somewhere and doing it there, I don't think so, then?"
"Yes, yes we could," says Tyler, walking past Theo and patting him on the shoulder. "Now a good time? Great."
"Perhaps should've thought about this before we all decided to meet up here. Not like it matters much, but still."