Eventually they get back to Theo's place, and Tyler walks in through the door, and then he proceeds to stand at the edge of the room.
It seems like he's doing this a lot right now.
He sighs.
"We're offering a ride anyway. And we don't have Sadde's number, can you text him and offer him a ride?" she asks Theo.
"Uh, right," she says and gets out her phone to text Jess to be ready to get into the limo when it pulls up by her, which it presumably will, at some point, and they are in fact not evil kidnappers or something.
One text arrives: Oh no it would be a terrible idea to get a ride on a limousine no thanks.
Then another a few seconds later: That was sarcasm, by the way.
Jess is standing outside her house when they get there! She walks over to the limo, a bit hesitantly.
(A limo. Really?)
"Yeah, it's nice." The driver starts taking them to Theo's. "So, let's talk magic? Or do we wait until we get to your place with your twin?"
"I think we can start," says Theo. "I think he'll probably catch up pretty quickly, and it should be okay to summarise?"