Eventually they get back to Theo's place, and Tyler walks in through the door, and then he proceeds to stand at the edge of the room.
It seems like he's doing this a lot right now.
He sighs.
Eventually they get back to Theo's place, and Tyler walks in through the door, and then he proceeds to stand at the edge of the room.
It seems like he's doing this a lot right now.
He sighs.
Unfortunately there is not currently a pillow for Tyler to grab and lie his head down on.
It is quite unfortunate.
"Yeah, Willow spends an unhealthy amount of time awake and neglects to eat sometimes and then eats a lot when she remembers to..."
Maya shrugs again and says, "Well hopefully we'll all be able to sleep at a reasonable time? Or at least get a reasonable amount of sleep, even if not at a wholly reasonable time, since it's Saturday tomorrow."
"Well, we can all go to the big sleepover room and play videogames there or watch movies or read and stuff until we fall asleep."
"And also bring the timers and some paper and stuff and keep trying to get the out-of-mana effect."
So they get some more materials and she and Juniper lead the other to the sleepover room.
...it is, in fact, a sleepover room. It has several beds, each with its own canopy, allowing one to sleep through lights from the rest of the room, and also noise cancellers and sleep masks. On the one end, there's a TV with several video game consoles and beanbags, as well as a bookshelf full of books and board games.
Willow doesn't claim a bed, and merely runs towards the end of the room and starts going through her rather extensive list of games. "Does anyone have any preferences on games? I have Bomberman! Or we could watch a film."
Juniper grabs a book and goes to her bed and reads, without closing the curtains around the bed.
And Kero, who'd been napping for a while, follows them all upstairs and finds somewhere comfortable to sleep again.
"Might wanna try the paper again," says Maya. "You know, data and experiments for the magic thing we're doing?"