Eventually they get back to Theo's place, and Tyler walks in through the door, and then he proceeds to stand at the edge of the room.
It seems like he's doing this a lot right now.
He sighs.
"What sorts of ages did the others live? I'm wondering if they actually did immortality or just better health or…?"
"I didn't meet many other sorcerers, but I think none of them was older than a hundred."
"That sounds like it's just better health instead of immortality, in that case. … Unless they looked young when they were like seventy?"
Maya will– realize that she should probably try to drain her mana too, and note the approximate times that the others drained theirs.
Then she decides that actually, no, she'll leave her probably-mana undrained in case there are horrible side effects. Such as it being a limited pool of magic that never recharges. (Presumably not. But ew.)
"'Cause we could try doing stuff with them. Wait until you get back enough mana to do it, or I use the card or something since I'm not out of mana?"
"Well, if whenever we run out of mana something weird happens—three times is a pattern—Theo hasn't actually run out of mana since he dispelled the Sword."
"Should I try running out of mana again, then? Assuming that's what it is, since it seems to be?"
"Yeah," he agrees, then starts writing 'water' onto various pieces of paper, charging them.
"Huh. Well, okay, the Sword worked to take up probably around one water-paper's worth of mana."