Eventually they get back to Theo's place, and Tyler walks in through the door, and then he proceeds to stand at the edge of the room.
It seems like he's doing this a lot right now.
He sighs.
Sadde will detach, then, and smile sheepishly at William. "Yep, I should go home, erm, good night?"
Who will sigh a bit and then discuss some things with Theo and then suggest that Theo get some sleep since he has school tomorrow.
She will be! And they'll have morning registration, then two hours of lessons, then a twenty-minute assembly on the importance of looking out for one another and a reference to the teachings of Jesus (because it's a Church of England school, such fun) and then they'll have morning break!
Theo does not approach her during this twenty-minute interval.
"Yeah, fine. Mum's dealing with finding a way to get Maya and Juniper legal identities, and she said I should offer Tyler one, too."
"That'd be nice – I'm sure he'd appreciate it," says Theo. "He seems a bit down on things."
"I dunno." He shrugs. "I think he's okay – he doesn't seem really bad or anything – but I haven't actually spoken to him much."
"He disappeared into the guest room pretty quickly after we got back so I assumed he didn't want to be disturbed, and then this morning I had to get ready for school and he wasn't about so," he shrugs. "I'll probably talk to him tonight, though."
"Alright, I guess. Juniper and I talked a lot, except not really because we shared memories until yesterday morning so there wasn't a whole lot to talk about except me asking her about stuff and how she was different from me and we tried to do magic but it didn't really work also we were talking to Maya she's nice."
Talking of Maya, Jess is also present at school, seeing as she goes here!
She isn't, however, making any moves in their direction.
"Mmhm! Then we had to go to bed but Juniper said she'd try to come up with a list of things to try, like maybe enchantments and spells and incantations, and she'd google stuff, maybe in Latin."
"Known about it at all – it's been like a month and a bit? And I don't really know why not. I assumed sorcery or whatever would be… different from fictional stuff."