Eventually they get back to Theo's place, and Tyler walks in through the door, and then he proceeds to stand at the edge of the room.
It seems like he's doing this a lot right now.
He sighs.
"It's a pretty low cap, too, if it's mana. Unless it varies from person to person, maybe it does."
He shrugs. "I mean, it lit on actual fire, so. Something must have been different, but it might have just been that you ran out of mana and it reacts badly to that, dunno."
"I kinda wanna try to run out of mana, too. I wonder if it goes faster with papers than spells. Or if spells even eat mana or that's strictly the papers. ...hey Juniper, do you feel weirdly tired?"
"Nnnkinda. Erm." She gets up and walks across the room then leans against a wall. "...not exactly tired, but it's like I could get tired now."
"No, it's like, you know when you're not tired but you almost are, just before bedtime, and even getting off a chair is hard, and you couldn't run if someone paid you...?"
"Huh," he says. "Hey, Sadde, was it like that for you or was it actual regular exhaustion, because it might be something different about the two?"
"Okay cool, so, now we just test a bunch of these with the various phrasings? See if the ones done by different people have any different effects – and actually, see if defacing them destroys them or something, like if we mark on the edge of the paper something else, or if we strike through the word?"
And if he scribbles over the letters? Or goes and grabs a black sharpie and colours over the lines?
"Defacing seems to do nothing visible, though whether it'll still work is… not really obvious from just this."
"Not with time, so it would probably have been a better idea to deface one of the wind ones. Not that it probably matters much either way."
"Okay, so, test one of the wind ones to make sure stuff's still working usually," says Theo, grabbing one and then saying the shortest phrase.