Eventually they get back to Theo's place, and Tyler walks in through the door, and then he proceeds to stand at the edge of the room.
It seems like he's doing this a lot right now.
He sighs.
"… Does it act differently if you try to do Wind-the-concept and wind-the-effect? Both with the word 'wind'."
"Well, at least we have lots of things to test with the spells. See if each word has any effect on the strength of the spell or how long it lasts, that kind of thing. And maybe at some point we can see if we can increase how long it lasts without affecting the strength or vice versa."
Juniper tries—
—and her piece of paper catches fire. Like, actual fire, not the invisi-flame of a consumed paper. She eeps and throws it on the floor and steps on it to put it out.
He goes over to the concrete floor, sets the paper down on it, makes sure he's in a position to get out of the way, and writes 'time', intending to refer to the concept with which one may fuck with– lots and lots of things.
The slightly scary one that results in contradictions. That one.
He grabs another few pieces of paper and this time tries time in terms of making a spell last longer.
"… We might be thinking of different concepts of time here, then, because I tried a concept of time – you know, the one where if you mess with it you're going to get fucked – and it worked."
"You did do quite a few," says Theo. "Not sure how it relates to casting spells or what, but it seems pretty possible that it's a mana thing."