Eventually they get back to Theo's place, and Tyler walks in through the door, and then he proceeds to stand at the edge of the room.
It seems like he's doing this a lot right now.
He sighs.
Eventually they get back to Theo's place, and Tyler walks in through the door, and then he proceeds to stand at the edge of the room.
It seems like he's doing this a lot right now.
He sighs.
She starts listing all fifty-two cards, fails to remember them all, and asks Kero to continue—
"The most interesting one to me in that list is Fly, if I could fly without the card..."
Theo sighs. "Kero said it'd take a while for me to do it without the wings being visible, I think, but I don't know if that applies to the other magic."
"Should I call wind? Wind, make me weightless and lift me up, give me the ability to fly!" she proclaims, and this causes her to lift about ten centimetres above the floor. "...okay, not as good as the card, is this a general thing, how did Clow even create the cards if we're limited like this?" She hovers forward a bit.
"I have no idea," says Theo. "Yyyyou could try calling Fly instead, in case that's– like, a thing? I don't know if it is or not. Or maybe both of them, perhaps they can combine or something."
"...I'm not sure how to stop, maybe just—" She lands. "Okay, yeah, just wanting to stop does it. Fly, carry me in your wings, grant me the power of flight!" Nope. "Hmm."
"… Possibly try calling on, like, air and earth or something, some combination of the typical elements – probably not fire, because, uh," he looks around a bit pointedly. "Even though the idea of hot air might help with the floating."
What, really, no 'why on earth'? "I have no idea, I was mainly just meaning to give it extra strength instead of being thematically appropriate, but perhaps the things can do the opposite of their themes too, and since Earth is about the ground, and you want to fly, perhaps it'd be able to get rid of the annoying thing, like reduce gravity on you or something."
She ignores her. "Earth, I beseech thee to release me! Grant me lift, give me motion, let me take to the skies and soar! Let me fly!" Yup, that's better, she's flying now. "Whoop!" She tries twirling in the air and succeeds.
"So, maybe if we weren't inside and worried about fire, you could get that involved too? Could result in more freedom of movement or greater speed or something. Also the 'thee' thing might be affecting stuff, so maybe we should try it without that and see if modern English works differently."
"Is anyone writing this down? It probably doesn't depend on exact phrasing, I'm just making stuff up as I go along." She zips this way and that as she talks.
"Okay, I'm gonna try—" and she suddenly loses the ability to flight and goes tumbling onto the (thankfully cushioned) floor.