Bella is catching up on emails. It amuses her to agree to play the role of royalty at this random Renaissance faire that had the audacity to ask her if she'd be so kind to guest-star for a day, so she's telling them she'll do it presuming no emergencies come up and they don't give her excessively absurd lines to say.
[This mint flavour is growing on me,] he informs her. [You're adorable, by the way.]
[Right. Those too.]
She is also wearing far too many clothes. And if she wants them to be anywhere other than just inside his front door when he does something about that, she'd better act fast.
She is also wearing far too many clothes. And if she wants them to be anywhere other than just inside his front door when he does something about that, she'd better act fast.
They could go be on his bed, how about that? Teleportation is super convenient like that.
Bella also approves of beds! And of Ripper. Also nibbling. Bidirectional nibbling.
[All right.]
How about... that cake they had on their first date? Is that a good flavour?
How about... that cake they had on their first date? Is that a good flavour?
It is apparently an excellent flavor, judging by Bella's extremely nibbly reaction.
And subsequent snuggling. Complete with fond sighing gazes. It's kind of sappy, really.
It is. And Ripper is right there with the fond sighing gazes. And the brushing her hair out of her face and then kissing her forehead.