Here is Bella, catching up on her email, trying to come up with a reasonable mathematical approximation of the known abilities of evils versus arrows to guess how many dead people she can bring back with one of the latter, trying to come up with a prioritization scheme for putting her waiting list in order.
He has one bite of cake. And then looks at her hopefully.
Leaning across the table would be awkward, small though it is; he gets up and goes around.
Pattern has no earthly clue what she's doing, but they're not on Earth, so maybe that is okay.
When they break apart, Bella plucks a petal from her shoulder. "I should have expected they'd have something folded in to, er, celebrate."
None of the flower petals have landed on their cake, which is nice, but the floor is now covered in drifts of black-white-purple-red.
Bella plucks one of the newest flowers and puts it behind the unflowered one of Ripper's ears. And she smiles, and she blushes, and she takes another bite of cake.
And says thoughtfully, "You know, this 'sitting across the table' thing just doesn't seem like the best idea anymore."
His chair sidles around the circumference of said table and nudges the back of his knee. He sits in it and reaches for his plate, which scoots obligingly over in front of him. And then, because he is left-handed and Bella is right-handed and it's convenient that way, he holds her hand while he eats his cake.
Awwwww! Bella giggles helplessly at the encouraging enchanted-things and squeezes his hand and blushes rather a lot. She keeps peering at him out of the corner of her eye between bites of cake.
Mmmmm. Kisses.
(The walls grow a whole new set of flowers to rain petals on them again.)
Nummy chocolatey Ripper, om nom nom. Bella is getting the hang of this, she thinks. Also making thoughtful little noises in the back of her throat.
He is both nummy and chocolatey, it's true! And kissable. So very kissable. Much like Bella.
She finds the fact that he keeps kissing her very reassuring on the subject of her kissability, certainly.
Fun fact: She doesn't actually have to breathe. She makes a habit of it, but she can stop.
Ripper, sadly, does have to breathe. But he is not inclined to let that deter him from kissing her a lot.