Here is Bella, catching up on her email, trying to come up with a reasonable mathematical approximation of the known abilities of evils versus arrows to guess how many dead people she can bring back with one of the latter, trying to come up with a prioritization scheme for putting her waiting list in order.
"Queenie made the dress, so there was a chance to set that up, although it could also be the same kind of enchantment on my crown," giggles Bella. She picks a flower and tucks it into her hair.
"So yeah, this is the kind of thing that amuses Jokers when they aren't busy antagonizing bat ladies."
"Wow. Yeah, Queenie was a lot - I don't know, cuter? Than I expected, but this is something else."
Om nom nom designer organisms. "So the anthem's been well-received, I don't know if you've seen the buzz or been getting heaps of fanmail about it or what."
"Some. I don't have comments sections on my own websites, but there are unofficial fora, and J pokes around for interesting articles of relevance, and there've been a lot of hits to the page. People like it. And the orchestration's in progress."
"I think so. With any luck one of Saturn's entrants will win an event and it will get public airtime. What have you been doing besides songwriting since you moved?"
"Things," he says vaguely. "It's been mostly songwriting, honestly; I've barely even gotten out to see the rest of the bubble."
"Oh, that's a pity, you know if you never leave the house you don't get to see what bubbles have come to visit yours."
"I didn't dare skate when I was a kid, I'd have gotten myself killed earlier than I actually did. I was the clumsiest little girl - Bells all are, without magic or in one case assistive tech. I've only tried it once since, but it was fun."
Ripper busies himself finishing his own first course, and when he succeeds, his plate does the same thing.
The original set of purple flowers is joined by a set of black ones, with their petals edged in white.
"...Are we going to get new flowers every time we get new food? They really went all-out with this, didn't they."
"It was probably the most fun they've had all week, barring things I am disinclined to speculate on." She plucks a black flower and tucks it behind his ear for him.
Ripper grins.