"Then you can!"
She makes Zeus a cute little bow with a cute little foam-headed arrow that he can fire at the walls, and Harley a cute little dagger, also with its sharp parts made of foam.
She makes Zeus a cute little bow with a cute little foam-headed arrow that he can fire at the walls, and Harley a cute little dagger, also with its sharp parts made of foam.
The first time the arrow heads for something it probably shouldn't hit, it gets stuck in midair.
Aedyt serenely continues using her power to tweak the shape of Harley's Marian dagger.
Aedyt serenely continues using her power to tweak the shape of Harley's Marian dagger.
"Yes it is," says Aedyt. "And it's going to stay that way until you can take it somewhere with fewer fragile things it might accidentally break."