"Etty was the Bell. Nona was her - Joker, I guess - girlfriend. I guess I need a nickname?"
"Yep," says Cam. "I'm lucky, I got to keep my regular nickname because I'm the only boy one so far."
"You should've seen the look on my face when I found out there were eight more of Jellybean. And now there are more than that within peal reach," snorts Cam when he observes this smile.
"So what's this world like? Is it a fantasyland, I'm getting a fantasyland vibe if nymphs are a thing that exists."
"The most common place for Bells to come from are variants of Earth, but there are some from farther-flung locales, with more or less magic."
"Or none, Angela's from a nonmagical world and not the Earth in it. But it has an Earth, and Glass's world, or Sarion's, don't."
"This is definitely a magical world. I have no idea how a non-magical one would even exist," snorts Aether.
"Some of us do pretty well!" says Aegis cheerfully. "Jane's the next best thing to minting and she's not magic at all, technically!"
"High-tech, like I said. Emergent intelligence from a network of ansibles. Oh, and she's always watching, out of our jewelry," Aegis taps her earpiece.
"Yeah, you could call it that, Peace is really advanced compared to basically everywhere else, although I think Atlantis has us beat in a couple fields, not that this'll mean much after I drag Peace properly into our place in the multiverse and we can network."
"We all have science," says Amariah. "I mean, Chronicle and Thilanushinyel and Rêverie are more primitive than standard, and Peace and Atlantis and sort of Samaria and to a lesser extent Aurum are father along than standard, but - yeah?"